Sambo (Beef Samosa) recipe - Cuisine of Madagascar
[En francais ci-dessous Manual] Ingredients (for about 20 samosas) 1 ground beef 1 / 2 pound, 1 T oil 1 T grated ginger, 3 / 4 t salt, 1 / 4 t curry powder, 1 1 / 2 t garlic, 3 onions (chopped), 1 T chopped cilantro or mint. 1 tonne of flour + 1 T water (pasta) or wire enclosures Square Egg Roll. Fry grated ginger in oil over medium heat for 1 minute. Add the ground meat, cut into small pieces break. Stir in garlic, salt, pepper and curry powder and cook the meatuntil most of liquid has been recovered. Remove from heat and add green onions and cilantro or mint. Cut the phyllo dough into three parts. Make a paste of flour and water. Fold the dough to make a triangular pocket to keep the paste on the dough into place. Fold the dough over the filling is wrapped, as shown in the video. Tuck the end of the locks and the paste samosas on the seal. Fry in hot oil until light golden and bring them out on paper towels to drain before serving.Ingredients (~ 20 samosas) 700g hachee viande, 1 cas huile, 1 rape cas Ginger, 3 / 4 sel CAC, 1 / 4 de poudre Dear CAC, 1 1 / 2 rapes ail CAC, 3 oignons verts, cilantro 1 cas ou menthe Hache. CAC eau flour 1 + 1 cas (pour en faire une glues) feuille de brick. Faites revenir dans l'huile sur Ginger the feu moyen. Ajoutez la viande avec hachee the ail, le sel, poivre et le poudre de your loved ones. Continuez a fair frire jusqu'à ce que la viande soit presque totalement evaporee the liquid (90%). Hors dufeu ... Quoizel Floor Lamps Discount Nestle Baking Order
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